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  2. Transect Reports
  3. Getting Started with Reports

Quick Start Guide: Reports

Learn how to create, view, and export a Transect Report.

A Transect Report provides a snapshot of a particular geographic area's environmental due diligence information. You'll first need to identify a project location to create a report.

In this Quick Start Guide, you can learn how to:

Creating a Transect Report

From the Dashboard

  1. From the Dashboard, select Order Report in the upper right-hand corner. 
  2. Use the dropdown to choose from one of your projects, Upload a KML, or create a new Area of Interest (AOI) by selecting Quick Parcel Select, Draw Polygon, or Draw Line. For more information on searching for project sites, check out this article.
  3. When finished, select Continue.
  4. Add your project details to the relevant fields on the next page. If "I don't know" is selected as an option, Transect will provide a more conservative estimate for your project.
  5. Select Save & Order Report.

The report will be generated in the background, so you don't need to stay on the page. You'll receive an in-app notification and email with a link to view the report when it's ready.

From the Map

  1. From the Map, identify your Area of Interest (AOI) either by searching or uploading a KML file.
  2. The 'Manage' modal will populate once your AOI has been established, where you can add a project title.
  3. Select Save & Order Report.
  4. Add your project details to the relevant fields on the next page. If "I don't know" is selected as an option, Transect will provide a more conservative estimate for your project.
  5. Click Save & Order Report.

Viewing an Existing Transect Report

From the Dashboard, click the Report Name to open the report. You can also use 'Quick Filter' to search for a project by name. To view the report in the Map, scroll to the far right, select the 3-dot menu, and then View in Map.

Exporting a Transect Report

Transect Reports can be exported to multiple formats. For a full overview of all export methods, check out this article for more information. You can start an export by selecting the Export dropdown in the upper right-hand corner and selecting one of the following formats:

  • Map Layers: Drag/drop the map layers to the 'Selected Map Layers' section, then click Generate Map Layers. From the dropdown, you can choose to export to KML, SHP, or AutoCAD file.
  • PDF: Drag/drop the report sections to include in the 'Selected Report Sections', then click Generate PDF. You can also choose from a template to include the same report sections with each export.
  • Landowner Info: Automatically exports Landowner Information into a CSV file that can be easily filtered.
  • Terabase: Download your buildable area into a KML to upload to Terabase for further due diligence.

You will receive an in-app notification and email with a link to view when your export is ready.

Check out this article to learn more about the Executive Summary.