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  2. Transect Reports
  3. Getting Started with Reports

How to create a Transect Report (from the Dashboard)

How to create or upload your project and create a Transect Report from the Dashboard

There are two ways to create a Transect Report:

  1. Create a new Transect Report using the Polygon, Line, or Parcel Tool

  2. Create a new Transect Report by Uploading a KML or Shapefile

Create a new Transect Report using the Polygon, Line, or Parcel Tool

  1. Log into Transect at app.transect.com
  2. On the Dashboard, click on Order Report.
  3. Fill out project name and your internal tracking number (optional)
  4. Pan the map or use the Address Search tool to find the approximate location of your project
  5. To draw the project, use the Polygon or Line tool to draw the project area in the map**. Double click to complete the drawing.
  6. To create a project using Parcels, toggle on Show Parcels, select the parcels you want to use, the click Add to Drawing/AOI. 
  7. To clear any of your shapes or parcels, click on the shape then select the trashcan icon in the map.
  8. Once you are done with your drawing, click Save Geometry to proceed to the context questions.
  9. Answer the context questions to help tailor your report results
  10. To complete your order, select Order Report Now and continue through the prompts.

**Be sure to use the correct drawing tool for your project! If your project is linear (like a road, transmission line, etc) use the LINE tool. If your project is an acreage-type project (real estate, solar, etc), use the POLYGON tool to create the project area.  If you use a line tool to create a polygon, you'll see the red dashed buffer on both the inside and outside of the solid red AOI line in your final report. The report will be missing all of the data and analysis inside the polygon.  In this instance, delete the report and rerun it using the correct drawing tool (Polygon).

Create a new Transect Report by Uploading a KML or Shapefile

  1. Log into Transect at app.transect.com
  2. On the Dashboard, click on Order Report.
  3. Fill out project name and your internal tracking number (optional)
  4. Click the Upload button in the Map Toolbar and browse to your project file, or drag a KML or zipped shapefile file from your desktop or another folder into the Upload area
  5. Once the file upload is complete, your project boundary should appear on the map. If any errors occur, they should be outlined for you.
  6. Click Save Geometry to proceed to the context questions.
  7. Answer the context questions to help tailor your report results
  8. To complete your order, select Order Report Now and continue through the prompts.

If you have any issues at all uploading a project or creating a report, contact us using our help widget or at support@transect.com.

How to overcome common upload problems

Currently Supported File Formats

KML, KMZ, and SHP files.

Note: All Shapefiles (SHP) must be imported with the projection set to WGS84 / SRID 4326.