Interconnection Data

Learn how to mitigate risk and maximize efficiency with Transect's Interconnection Data.

Transect enables utility-scale developers to identify whether a site is projected to have capacity at a nearby substation or transmission line and filter to quickly find sites that have the capacity they need. This is based on data provided by ISOs, and provides a “quick take” on the capacity likely to be available at these substations in the future when projects are constructed. This data helps developers streamline their planning process, maximize project feasibility, and expedite the approval process while reducing development risks and unforeseen connection hurdles.  

This feature is based on transmission lines and substations that ISOs operate at the utility-scale (69kV and greater). Distributions, substations, or hosting capacity for local utilities are not included.
Only data for ERCOT is available currently, but more ISOs will be added in the near future.

In this article, you'll learn how to:

Using Interconnection to Search for Parcels

You can easily refine your search by applying filters to locate parcels with specific attributes. Here's how to get started:

  • Navigate to the Map from the top of any page.
  • In the 'Start a New Project' modal, select Parcel Filter. Click here to learn more about Parcel Filtering.
  • A toolbar with various filter options will populate at the top of the page where you'll select Proximity.
  • Within the pop-out, input the parameters to apply to your search. Some options include: Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 12.05.09 AM
    • Distance to Transmission Lines
    • Transmission Line Voltage
    • Contains [Owner]
    • Distance to Substations
    • Substation Voltage
    • 2027 Projected Winter/Summer Max Capacity 
    • 2030 Projected Winter/Summer Max Capacity 
    • Minimum Bus Voltage
    • Optionally, you can tick the boxes to add the Transmission Line Map Layer or Substation Map Layer directly to your view.
  • When finished, select Apply.
The parcels that don't meet the criteria specified in the filter will automatically be excluded from view, so only relevant parcels are visible.

Reviewing Interconnection Data within the Report

Once a report is run, the Interconnection data for the 3 nearest substation buses and transmission lines will be shown in a table at the top of the Executive Summary. The table will be broken down into substations and transmission lines and indicate the owner, name, distance, voltage, and current winter/summery capacity (MW). 

Additional interconnection data can be accessed by navigating to the Interconnection page under 'Key Details'. This page provides a comprehensive analysis of the local grid infrastructure. Similar to the table on the Executive Summary, this page indicates the owner, name, distance, voltage, and winter/summer capacity (MW) for all substations within 50 miles of your project, and data on all transmission lines within 50 miles of your project.

When you click on a substation in the table, the map will navigate to that substation's location, giving you a quick view of its location relative to your project.

Looking for information on distribution lines? Check out this article to learn more.