State Listed Species

Learn more about state listed species in Transect Reports

State-listed species are animal or plant species of conservation concern that may be listed as protected under the authority of state law. Species may be listed as state-protected but not federally listed, or they may be protected under both state law and the federal Endangered Species Act.

State-listed species may be afforded varying levels of protection depending on the state and the species. State-listed species may be protected in one or more of the following scenarios:

  • Commercial taking, possession, transportation, or sale;
  • Hunting;
  • Tree clearing; 
  • On state lands;
  • Where a federal or state permit is required for a development project;
  • Where an impact on a state-listed species that is incidental to a development project may occur.

Transect Reports focus on protection scenarios where the presence of state-listed species may impact overall construction and project success. As such, where a state has statutory protection for incidental take of state-listed species, Transect includes state species as part of the Transect Report. Alternatively, in states where state-listed species are not statutorily protected from incidental take that may occur due to project development, Transect does not include state-listed species in Transect Reports at this time. 

Incidental take is defined as harm or impacts that occur to a species due to an otherwise lawful activity, i.e., impacting the species is not the purpose of the project.

Where state-listed species review is required as part of a state permitting process (like the PNDI Environmental Review process in Pennsylvania, for example), the process is included as part of the Permits & Pathways table so that customers can be prepared for state-listed species review.

Non-federal species of concern that occur on certain federal lands, like BLM, are often subject to special protection measures determined by the land management agency, often on a case-by-case basis. In these cases, Transect Reports will recommend that you contact the agency as soon as possible to learn about their specific species protection measures.

The current list of states where Transect supports state-listed species profiles includes (as of 2/13/24):

  • California
  • Colorado
  • Florida
  • Illinois
  • Kansas
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Minnesota
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Ohio
  • South Carolina
  • Virginia
  • Wisconsin

In Progress: Pennsylvania, Vermont