Public Marketplace

Order zoning reports and environmental assessments through Transect's Marketplace.

Transect's Public Marketplace is your one-stop shop for environmental services. You can access detailed descriptions of these services in this article

In this article, you will learn how to:

Existing Transect users can access the Marketplace from the top navigation bar after logging in. 

Creating an Account

Users must first create an account to access the Marketplace and place orders. To create an account: 

  • Navigate to to view our products.  Choose the product you would like a quote for, and then click Sign Up.
  • Input the required credentials (first name, last name, email address, phone number, password, and company name) on the Sign Up page.
  • When finished, select Continue.

After creating an account, users will receive a verification email where they can confirm their email address to finalize the account setup.

Requesting a Quote

  • After creating an account, navigate to Marketplace from the top navigation bar.
  • Select a Marketplace offering from the following options:
    • ALTA/NSPS Land Title Field Survey
    • Planning and Zoning Reports
    • SHPO Archaeological Records Search
    • Threatened and Endangered Species Survey
    • Wetlands Delineation 
    • Phase 1 ESA
  • Add your project area by selecting Upload KML or Multi-Select Parcels and add a buffer (optional).  Add a name for your project in the dialogue box.
  • Select a Project Type and Sub-type from the dropdowns. When finished, select Request Quote.
  • On the next page, users will be able to view and confirm all of the project details. In the ‘Request Quote’ section, provide any additional comments that may be relevant to the project order.
  • Select Review to sign the Marketplace Agreement (Note: This is only required for your first order).  You must scroll through the entire agreement to do so.
  • When finished, select Submit Quote Request.
  • For some Marketplace products, such as Phase 1s and ALTA surveys, additional forms are required. These forms must be completed, reviewed, and signed by the user placing the order. After completing the required forms, click Accept & Proceed to Payment.

Finalizing an Order

  • Once the documentation has been completed, a form of payment will be requested. Users can enter either a credit card or bank account information.
    • Payment information is required to request a quote, but the charge will not be processed until after a bid has been accepted.
  • For some types of reports, the quote is based on your project area and information.
    • These are typically received within 1-7 days depending on the size and complexity of the project, and include both price and estimated timeline.  Once the quote is available, users will receive an email notification that the bid is ready to review.
  • To accept a quote, enter your payment information, then select Save & Start Order.

After submission, the order will be in an ‘in progress’ status.

Accepting a Quote

Once the process is complete, users will receive an email notification that it is ready to review.

  • To access the order documents, users will need to finalize their payment by selecting Complete Payment.
  • After the payment processes, users will have access to download the documents.

Checking the Order Status

Users can check the status of their Marketplace orders by navigating to Marketplace from the top navigation bar and selecting My Orders. This page will show all historical orders and their applicable statuses.