Local Solar Permits (BETA)

Learn more about the Local Solar Permits found in your Transect report.

It’s essential that developers understand a project’s local solar permits and regulations to ensure compliance, streamline grid connection, and qualify projects for incentives. Transect simplifies this process by providing a preliminary assessment of the required local permits and regulations, which saves developers time and provides a central location for all (state, federal, and local) permits.

In this article, we’ll review:

This feature is still currently in BETA and should act as a first pass for local permits. If you’re ready to move forward with development, we highly recommend ordering a Local Environment Regulations report from the Marketplace. With this request, our Environmental Specialists will call jurisdictions to confirm permitting requirements when it is not available online.

Locating Local Solar Permits in your Transect Report

You can locate the Local Solar Permits found in your report by selecting Permit Matrix from the left-side toolbar. On this page, you’ll be shown the relevant local floodplain and solar permits for your area of interest. 

If a local solar permit is found within your AOI, you’ll receive information about at least one of the following recommendations: Permits Found, Setbacks Found, Size Limits Found, and Zoning Information. You can select Click Here for Source to be routed to the source data. 

Permits Found

This section highlights the jurisdiction’s required solar permits, such as conditional use permits or special use permits, and will include links to the relevant source material. When available, the floodplain permit application will also be included.

Setbacks Found

This section indicates the distance required for solar projects to be from roads, housing, transmission lines, and railroad lines to ensure safety and prevent interference. These setbacks are typically specified in local zoning regulations.

Size Limits Found

This section will provide any height restrictions of solar arrays or the total acreage or capacity of the installation. These limits are designed to address concerns about visual impact, property values, and environmental impacts.

Zoning Information Found

This section showcases the zones permitted for solar farm construction, including industrial or commercial zones, but may also be permitted in agricultural zones with certain conditions. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there coverage for every solar related permit in the United States?

No, there is not coverage for every jurisdiction in the United States, as not every jurisdiction has solar permitting information available online. If you have any feedback about the coverage, please feel free to contact us. 

Where does this data come from?

This data is AI-driven and reviews local jurisdiction’s websites, PDF documents, or articles for proposed projects found on the internet.

How should we approach inaccuracies in this data?

We have noticed that occasionally information is categorized under the wrong jurisdiction. In this case, we recommend providing feedback within the Permit Matrix: . Our team will review your feedback and may reach out to you for additional information.

How often is this data refreshed?


What project types does this work for?

This model works specifically for local permits associated with solar projects. When running a report, you would select the project type as Renewable Energy and the project sub-type as Solar, Mixed Use, or Other Renewable.