Landowner Contact Info (BETA)

Learn about how to use Transect to identify landowners’ contact information.

Transect’s Landowner Contact Information streamlines the land acquisition process by providing developers with accurate contact details for landowners of target parcels.

In this article, we’ll review how to:

Purchasing Landowner Contact Information Credits

  • As a Transect Administrator, select your user name in the upper right corner, then select Contact Info Credits from the dropdown. The following page will populate:
  • Select Add Credits then accept the Terms of Service by scrolling down and selecting Agree & Continue. (Please note that this will only populate the first time you purchase credits or place a contact info order.)
  • You can purchase credits in increments of 300, 1000, or 5000 by selecting the applicable radio dial and clicking Confirm Purchase. Each contact credit will provide the contact information for a single landowner, including up to 10 phone numbers and 10 email addresses.

Ordering Landowner Contact Information 

  • After defining a project boundary in the Map, click View Parcels and Landowners in the side modal.
  • Select Order Contact Info in the top right corner.
  • Check the boxes next to the applicable landowners or click Select All. Alternatively, select Order Contact Info in a specific row to order contact info for the landowner of a single parcel.
  • The amount of credits required for a given order is determined by the amount of parcels that are selected. Select Confirm to begin the ordering process, or Edit Request to modify the selected parcels.
  • Once the information is pulled, users can view it directly on the Parcels & Landowners pop-out.

  • Within a report, users can view this landowner contact information by navigating to the Landowners page. You can also place contact info orders from this page via the same series of steps described above for the Map.

Viewing Past Orders

When opening the 'Contact Credits' modal, you will see a history of credits that were used by all users in your account for contact info orders. From this page, you can Export All Records and view or download the results of each landowner contact info order. To see the credits ordered by a specific user, click View next to their name.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I test this out?

Each organization is granted 25 free credits to test out the functionality. Depending on your subscription package, you may have a larger number of credits that’ll be added to your account.

Who can purchase credits?

Only Admins are able to purchase credits. 

Who can use the credits for contact info orders?

All users within your account can use the credits to order landowner information. The credits are granted at the account level.

Where is this information sourced from? 

This information comes from BatchService

If a landowner owns multiple parcels within the same area of interest, will this count as multiple requests?

No, this will count as a single request if it’s the same landowner record.

What are the requirements for ordering contact information for a parcel?
The parcel must have a full address (street address, city, zip, & state), and you must leave the "Combine by owner" toggle disabled before creating a project with the given parcel included. We plan to enable contact information orders for "combine by owner" parcels soon.

How accurate and up-to-date is the contact information from BatchService?

BatchService is an industry leader in “right party contact” rates. In 65-70% of parcels that get successfully “matched” within BatchService, at least one of their returned phone numbers will be correct (compare this to most other contact info aggregators who generally have “right party contact” rates in the 40s). For those “right party contact” landowners within BatchService, 90% of the time the “right party contact” will be the 1st phone number they return, and 95% of the time it’ll be within the first 3 phone numbers. So we’d recommend that when you’re conducting landowner outreach with phone numbers you receive from an order within Transect, you should prioritize calling the first 3 phone numbers listed for any matched contact info requests.

Email addresses are not sorted in prioritized order, but you can employ your best judgment on this. For instance, if a landowner has both a Yahoo and a Gmail address, it is reasonable to assume that the Gmail address is newer and worth trying first.

What if a landowner is on a Do Not Call list, or is protected under something like Daniel’s Law in New Jersey?

We will not display individual phone numbers if they’re on the Do Not Call list. And if all of a landowner’s phone numbers are on the Do Not Call list, or if they’re protected under something like Daniel’s Law, then we’ll display On “Do not call” list for these landowners, and we won’t charge you a credit for these contact info requests.

How is Landowner Contact Info pulled for parcels that indicate "Multiple Owners"?
Contact Information will be returned for the first landowner record found in BatchService's database with a match to the requested parcel's physical address.

Would I have to order contact information again for a given parcel if a colleague already did?

No. Once anyone in your account orders a landowner’s contact information, that information remains in your account for anyone in your organization to see and use, throughout the Transect platform.