Project Folders

Organize your projects in the map tool by using folders

We know your list of projects can get long, and we want to help you stay organized. We present to you - project folders!

Project folders allow you to group a collection of projects. This article will show you how to:

Create a new empty folder 

  1. Navigate to the My Portfolio widget in the map
  2. Click on the "New Folder" button 
  3. Give your new folder a name in the Create folder popup, click Save to create the folder or Close to cancel.

Add or remove a project in an existing folder

Folders use a "drag and drop" function. To add a project to a folder, simply use your curser to drag a project over a folder name, then "drop" it into the folder.

View the contents of a folder

To view the contents of a folder, click the green folder icon to open the folder. To collapse the folder, click again on the green folder icon.

Delete a folder

  1. To delete a folder, click on the trashcan icon to the right of the folder name.
  2. When asked if you are sure you want to delete the folder, choose Yes.
  3. The folder and its contents will be deleted.

Folders containing projects that have Transect Reports associated with the project cannot be deleted.