Does Transect cover all 50 states and territories (Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Mariana Islands)?

We do not support AK and HI at this time; however, it is possible for users to run reports in these states. There are some map layers that users may find useful- parcels, floodplains, protected areas, transmission lines, and substations.

Some important distinctions:

  • Reports in AK and HI are not instant like in the lower 48. This means that the report will show as “pending” to the user until someone on the environmental team manually “completes” it. Please allow one business day to complete to be able to export PDFs or KML data.
  • Most species profiles are not filled out.
  • Most state and many federal permits are not completed.
  • Many map layers are missing due to data availability.
Of course, we welcome prospects and existing users to let us know if these states are important to them. This helps us prioritize our internal efforts.